Thursday, February 4, 2010

Is 7 enough???

This morning I had Stacy and Geoff's kids here, so Stacy could go to orientation for her new job. They came before the 3 oldest left for for about 45 min. I had 7 kids!!!! Here are just 2 pictures....couldn't get them all so sit still long enough to get a picture of all 7. Sadie is obsessed with the cat - Ian was carrying on quite the conversation with the little two about cats and what they do and the noise they make. So cute!!!! They were all good as gold, and I even got a batch of cookies made and 2 loaves of bread....maybe 7 isn't too many!!!

Evan, Sadie and Ian loving Cheddar - poor cat - he went into hiding for a little while, but then came back out for more torture!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh how I wish I could add my little one to the mix-they would all have so much fun playing together! Miss you all!