Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Love it when little people have such big plans!


Gavin came flying in the back door after school today...he had a "great idea mom!"
He took off his shoes quickly then asked where his new sling shot was....I got it for him while he ran to get his coat and backpack which had been thrown in the front yard.

 I opened the package and showed him how to use it.
Off he went to the front yard.  A few minutes later I went to see what he was doing.....attempting to shoot a squirrel in the tree...that was maybe about 30 feet up.  Guess you won't know you can't do it until you try...right?

Filling me in on how it's going to work...guess the idea was for Kendra to throw a rock at the squirrel and scare it down Gavins side of the tree....

Taking aim!!!

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