Thursday, May 24, 2007

Tunnel Park FUN!

Fun in the Sun can sum up our day yesterday! It was about 85 at Lake Michigan...something unheard of this early in the spring! The water was only about 50, but that didn't stop any of the kids from putting feet or even a little more of their bodies in it! We went to Tunnel Park for Kendra's Young Five's Picnic! We had tons of fun....did lots of great activities, ate lots for yummy food and even played in the sand and water! Here are some of the best pictures from the day!

Kendra's Young 5's class...she is in the morning class and both class were there, so she only knew about half of the kids....had fun anyway! Can you find her with the pink hat? Gavin is sitting by Mrs. Kamps, her teacher, right behind her!

Kendra and her friend Erin in the space ship.

Kendra digging in the sand...she ended up wet all the way to her waist...she reports that she wasn't even cold.

Gavin blowing bubbles...who couldn't love that face???

Lucas sitting up at the top of the dune...getting ready to run down. I think he had sand just about everywhere you could have sand:)

1 comment:

ASchaaf said...

Kendra looks like a little mini-Beth in the space ship picture. What a fun day!