Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The last few days....

1/28/12 - figuring out how to put down the under layment.

1/29/12 - its slowly coming together!

1/30/12  Why not put the fridge in the living room?  Closer for a snack:)

1/31/12 - the roof in a dumpster!!!!

The almost finished project!! 

2/1/12 - The finished floor!!!  Now I just need to get the cabinets painted and it will be awesome!!! Maybe tomorrow;)


ASchaaf said...

Looks great! And a great idea to finish that up while you have the huge dumpster in your driveway...when we did our roof a few things may have gone in there besides shingles. :)

Unknown said...

There might be a couch in there somewhere... ;-)

megfeen said...

Looks so nice! Can't wait to see it...