Friday, April 2, 2010

Ian's Field Trip

One of the highlights of 4th grade at Zeeland Christian is the field trip to Lansing...our capital. So, last Friday Ian and I went on this great field trip! The kids all ride a school bus, the much wiser parents get to ride in someones car...makes for a loud trip for them and a quite trip for us:)
Our first stop with the Museum which is, of course, all about Michigan. We were a bit early for our tour - so above is Mrs. Duran keeping the class quiet! (She is amazing!)

One of Ian's favorite things about the museum was getting his picture taken behind one of those silly picture boards....goofy kid!

After the museum we we ate lunch, then walked to the capital...what a beautiful building!!! The above picture was taken while we were doing the bottom picture!!
By the way, the stars at the top are 179 feet from the glass floor we laid on..those stars are each the size of a pie!

The capital building of Michigan...forgot to get a picture from the front...guess the back will have to do!

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